How to create the perfect monsters for your worldbuilding

How to create the perfect monsters for your worldbuilding

The monster is a staple of fantasy and science-fiction worldbuilding, from Tolkien’s dragons and Balrogs to Hyperion’s Shrike. It is something other and strange, often terrifying, and normally far beyond the capability or experience of normal humans – a monster is not...
15 top fantasy and science fiction publishers

15 top fantasy and science fiction publishers

If you’re considering publication for your finished novel or work-in-progress, you’ve probably learned a thing or two about your options. That might include the two most commonly discussed paths: (1) self-publishing or (2) securing a literary agent, who, for a...
This prologue welcomes you absolutely

This prologue welcomes you absolutely

‘Come inside and meet the prologue,’ begins Catherynne M. Valente’s science-fiction novel Radiance, from which this article takes its title. ‘The prologue is patient. She has been told often that she is wholly unnecessary, a growth upon the story that the wise doctor...
What we can learn from The Hobbit

What we can learn from The Hobbit

The Hobbit is one of the bestselling books of all time.  It’s also one of the best guides to writing fantasy.  Modern fantasy writers sometimes shy away from Tolkien, seeing him as dated or over-wordy. A desperate desire to see our work as original and unique means...
What actually is a ‘scene’ in a novel?

What actually is a ‘scene’ in a novel?

Is this a scene? If you’ve been writing fiction for long, you’ve probably asked yourself this question at some point, even if you didn’t think about it that way at the time. If you like to plan your stories, you might have found yourself creating a list of some or all...
Ways to use your invented language to create story conflict

Ways to use your invented language to create story conflict

If you love worldbuilding, inventing a language for your story world – be it a few words or a full-blown grammar – can be almost as fun as writing the story itself. But it can also be one of the hardest elements to work into your story in a meaningful way. You don’t...